Simplifying Running

I love running. I love how good it makes me feel, both physically and mentally. I love making plans and seeing my fitness improve when those plans are executed. I love how simple running is; put on my shoes and head out the door. Over time I’ve made it more complicated than it should be though, with GPS watches, heart rate monitors, power meters, Strava, segments, leaderboards, etc., and I’ve come to the realisation that I need to get rid of all that and simplify my running again.

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New Walking Pages

A number of years ago I wanted a better way to organise the growing collection of walking and cycling routes I had, and in the process of sorting that I decided to publish them on a separate website called OpenRoutes.  In an effort to simplify the organisation of things, and to save some money, I’ve now decided to close that website and have just finished importing the walking routes from there into a new section here.  Behold… Walking Routes.

A screenshot showing a map with a walking route marked in green.

I’ll be working on a better way to display the list of routes (most likely via a map), and adding more detail to each page shortly, and I will hopefully be adding more routes in the future.

I’ve also added a few pages from a previous iteration of this website, which show my progress towards ‘bagging’ various hill summits in the UK – although progress has stalled on them in the last few years, since the pandemic.